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The origins of this company go deep. In 1970s, E.T. Browne Drug Company started to manufacture and distribute various skin care solutions. After a series of managerial changes and restructurings, the company was moved to New Jersey in 1971. This was the moment when it collided with the revolutionary brand of Palmer’s Cocoa Butter. These two entities were soon merged into a new leader of the industry with huge production facilities and much improved research & development routines.
With their focus on traditions and using the legacy of original founders, the new management is still determined to use only organically grown all-natural GMO-free ingredients and implement micronutrients and vitamins of Shea butter, coconut oil, olive butter, and other sources of essential oils into their health products.
The company is one of few innovators in the industry that never stop innovating and trying to bring something new to the table. With its streamlined focus on using natural essential oils as foundation for all their products, the company has a lot of truly interesting products to show. Check out some product groups manufactured by Palmer’s:
All products by this rband are featured on our website and available for purchasing. You will be more than happy to buy a lot of goods from this brand. However, we want to showcase three exclusives from this company picked by our experts:
I think that essential oils are exactly what our bodies need to function properly. Every time I read something about skin or even general health, I find myself reading about some sort of an oil. The fact that Palmer’s is a brand focused on using coconut oil, famous Shea butter, and other types of oil is quite reassuring for me.
Kate, 32
I started using the Skin Success complex about a year ago and I cannot express how good it was for my skin. I have all sorts of problems with my skin: it is oily, black spots randomly appear out of blue, and acne is also not the last of my concerns. Thanks to this series of creams and lotions, I was able to get rid of many issues with my face.
Donna, 23
The eternal desire to be beautiful and young forever is what fills dreams of many women and IHERB.com knows it. We will readily give you a 5% discount on all goods from Palmer’s. If you need more ways to save money, just use our promo codes issued to anyone who starts ordering. You can and will be young and gorgeous for as long as possible with solutions from Palmer’s.
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Step 1: Place an order on the seller's website iHerb.com
Step 2: You can find out about the status of the order on the seller's website iHerb.com
Step 3: Get the goods in on time and on the terms of the seller