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Before the discount expires::
$ 6.78
$ 7.14
Rating - 4.78/5 from 60
SKU number: EDN-00042
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Organic Shoyu from Japan
This Shoyu is a koji fermented traditional brew of whole foods, made as it has been for hundreds of years. American organically grown whole soybeans and wheat are aged for two years allowing koji enzymes and patient tending to create this sublime Shoyu soy sauce. Tamari soy sauce imparts its own flavor, while shoyu enhances and harmonizes the flavors in food, imparts bouquet and disappears. It is the essential soy sauce.
Meticulous Eden tracking and audited records ensure purity.
Water, whole organic soybeans, organic wheat, sea salt, koji
Buy Eden Foods, Organic, Shoyu Soy Sauce, 10 fl oz (296 ml) at a discount ✅ at a promotional price of $ 6.78. To get a discount ⭐ 5%, order now! ✌ Buy on iHerb.com and Get a discount from Discnts.com!
Expiration Date
Shipping Weight
2.18 lbs
UPC Code
Package Quantity
10 fl oz
2.4 x 2.4 x 8.3 in, 1.3 lbs
Only original products
Discounts up to 90%
The order in 2 clicks
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Step 1: Place an order on the seller's website iHerb.com
Step 2: You can find out about the status of the order on the seller's website iHerb.com
Step 3: Get the goods in on time and on the terms of the seller
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